Build a successful business with Wantly API

Wantly API triggers

Triggers are used to receive information after an action has been performed in the Wantly system.
6 different triggers can be set in the system:
  • After creating an offer;
  • After editing the offer;
  • After deleting the offer;
  • After the product is created;
  • After editing the product;
  • After deleting the product.
In the Wantly system settings, you can write links for each trigger, information will be sent to them using the POST method. You can set Basic Auth for each link.

Download .json postman collection

Offer parameters:


		"name":"Pasi\u016blymas 4840",
		"created_at":"2023-11-09 13:20:34",
		"updated_at":"2023-11-09 13:24:33"
			"product":"produktas su pvm",
			"product":"<p>Para\u0161au apra\u0161ym\u0105 ir tekst\u0105<\/p>",

Information provided by the offer:

  • id: The unique identifier of the offer
  • nr: Offer number
  • url: Unique URL
  • name: The name of the offer
  • author: The author of the proposal
  • created: Creation date
  • deadline: Offer validity date
  • selling: Date of sale
  • arriving: The date of delivery
  • done: Done date date
  • client: The name of the client
  • code: Customer code
  • person: Contact person
  • currency: Currency
  • status: The status of the offer
  • soldby: Date sold
  • discount: Discount percentage
  • tax: VAT rate
  • video: Video information
  • comment: Comments or remarks
  • owner: The owner of the offer
  • type: Offer type (0 – simple, 1 – generic, 4 – templates)
  • deleted: Deleted
  • margin: Margin
  • marginper: Margin percentage
  • turnover: Turnover
  • header: Header image
  • confirmable: Confirmability
  • accepted: Approval status
  • usercomment: User comments
  • language: The language of the offer
  • created_at: Date and time of creation
  • updated_at: Date and time of update

    Parameters of the offer records (when attribute is not set or 0):
  • product: Product name
  • ammount: Amount
  • sku: Product code
  • parent: Identifier of the parent product (if the product is included, otherwise 0)
  • supplier: Name of the supplier
  • unit: Unit of measurement
  • VAT: VAT rate
  • price: The price of the product
  • prime: The cost of the item
  • marper: Margin percentage
  • delhi:  Additional expenses
  • discount: Discount percentage
  • comment: Comments or remarks
  • grams: Weight in grams
  • image: The identifier of the image
  • towards: A link or reference
  • accepted: Approval status
  • pricetype: The price type
  • required: Required
  • periodical: A periodical item
  • withpvm: Price with VAT (for rendering only)
  • edit_amount: Editing amount
  • order: Sequence

    If the product “attribute” is “text_sep” or “group_sep”, the entries are non-products and are for display only.

Product parameters:

  • id: Unique product identifier
  • name: Product name
  • sku: Product code
  • price: Price information (array)
  • VAT: VAT rate
  • supplier: Average price
  • units: Unit of measurement
  • description: A brief description of the product
  • descriptionl: A detailed description of the product
  • category: The category identifier
  • image_gallery: Image gallery
  • status: Product status
  • url: Provider links (array)
  • user: Developer
  • grams: Weight in grams
  • withpvm: Include VAT in the price
  • deleted: Delete status
  • amounttype: Amount type
  • periodical: A periodical item
  • created_at: Date and time of creation
  • updated_at: Date and time of update

Information provided by the product:




		"name":"Product name",









		Long description<\/p>",











		"created_at":"2022-04-25 11:04:38",

		"updated_at":"2023-11-09 14:24:41"



Price Array:


	"Tiekejas":{ // supplier
		"100":[ //quantity
			"4.25", // purchase price
			"6.07", // selling price
			0 // additional costs
		"500":[ //Quantity
			"4", // purchase price
			"5.33", // selling price
			0 // additional costs
		"1000":[ //Quantity
			"3.75", // purchase price
			"4.68", // selling price
		"Tiek\u0117jas2":{ // tiekėjas
			"1":[ //kiekis
			"10", // pirkimo kaina
			"20", // pardavimo kaina
			0 // papildomos sąnaudos

API trigeriai nėra paleidžiami naudojant kitas API užklausas.